District Goals

Liberty Union-Thurston Local School District has developed the following district goals in order to fulfill our mission and vision as well as align our core values.

MISSION: Empowering all students to maximize their talents.

VISION: Preparing every student to be successful in the 21st century.


  • Collaborative Leadership
  • Innovative Excellence
  • Student Achievement
  • Responsible Citizenship
  • Safe and Productive Learning Organization


  1. Educator Equity: Each school year, 100% of students will have access to highly effective principals and be taught by properly licensed, highly effective teachers that have both content area knowledge as well as knowledge of evidence based instructional strategies, and data analysis framework in order to meet the needs of all students.
  2. Instruction and Student Achievement: Each school year, 80% of the students will have reached a minimum standard of proficiency or better in reading/language arts and math as measured by the Ohio State Tests.
  3. Safe and Healthy Schools: Each year, 100% of students will have access to mental health support and counseling as well as Social Emotional Learning (SEL), PBIS, well rounded education options, and leadership strategies.

Some of the specific strategies within our core values that Liberty Union Schools will implement to achieve our goals include:  
Collaborative Leadership
  • Completion of classroom walk-thrus for fidelity check of curriculum implementation 
  • Enrollment into an Agricultural Leadership course for student led Legacy Projects
  • Establishment of District Level Curriculum Committees in Writing, Close Reading, Rigor & Assessment, and Land Lab/Makerspace
  • Participants in the Battelle for Kids SOAR Network for development of Liberty Union's Portrait of a Graduate
  • Participants in the Battelle for Kids Data Framework for Data Analysis
  • Professional development for high school teachers in Rich Math Tasks by Jonily Zupancic of Minds on Math
Innovative Excellence
  • Utilization of a data software management system (DataMap) 
  • Enhancement of the philosophy of Think Technology First, Google First 
  • Design of a Makerspace for Creative Thinking Projects in the Elementary and Middle Schools (created by Expanding Opportunities for Each Child and Title 4A Grants)  
  • Development of mobile STEM carts in the elementary school (created by Expanding Opportunities for Each Child Grant)
  • New High School Program in Engineering and Science Technology 
Student Achievement
  • Increasing effective teaching practices of instructional staff so that all teachers will learn at least three new effective teaching strategies during the school year  
  • Targeting professional development: PBL, Data Analysis, Assessment, Blended Learning, Co-Teaching/Inclusion, Writing Across the Curriculum/Rubrics, Rigor, Close Reading, Vertical Alignment 
  • Alignment of K-12 Scope and Sequence for Math  
  • Achievement of 100% of elementary school students' stretch growth goals on iReady reading and math
  • Increasing teachers’ use of Dianne McCune’s instructional strategies in the classroom 
  • Increasing the reading and vocabulary levels of all students in the middle school
  • Identifying students and providing support who are below two grade levels or more in reading and/or phonological awareness
  • Increasing the intervention opportunities for students who are struggling with math concepts
  • Professional development for elementary school teachers in the Science of Reading through LETRS training
Responsible Citizenship
  • Creation of a meaningful transition for all students at Liberty Union High School
  • Tracking of elementary school students' personal goals that are in alignment with building goals
  • Industry credential opportunities for high school students in Agriculture, Information Technology, and Engineering Design
Safe and Productive Learning Organization


  • Establishing routines around education, counseling, and reporting of harassment, intimidation, and bullying at the High School 
  • SEL and PBIS strategies utilized in all three school buildings
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