Facility Improvement

Linscott Softball and Baseball Complex Update

The weather certainly has not been friendly to the Linscott Softball and Baseball Complex Project, but as we near the season opener, both softball and baseball fields are playable and Phase 1 of the 2 year project is nearing completion.   It is important to remember that this project has been made possible by the generous Linscott Foundation, Liberty Union Athletic Boosters and the ability to complete this project using our own Liberty Union maintenance staff.  
The following projects have been addressed in Phase 1:
-The softball field was relocated to the east to prepare for future projects.
-New softball dugouts, backstop, fencing, and scoreboard.  
-New baseball dugouts, pitching mound, scoreboard, partial fencing.   
-The on field batting cage was removed due to safety concerns.  
-New Dugout roofing will be completed when weather allows (requires 50 degree temperatures) 
-Tier 1 (of 2) retaining wall (softball viewing deck)
-Softball and Baseball Bullpens 
In phase 2, which will begin in May of 2019, the baseball field will receive additional dirt work, including sod to level off the home plate/dugout areas in addition to a new backstop. Tier 2 (baseball viewing deck), will be completed along with a new softball and baseball pressbox. 

Also during the spring season, work will begin on track and field updates.  Due to future facility plans, the shotput ring, long jump and pole vault pits will be moved to new locations within the stadium.  The discus ring is also being updated to improve safety conditions in the viewing area.  

Please be patient as our maintenance crew works to complete the many projects that fall under our Facility Improvement Plan.  If you have additional questions, please fee free to reach out to the athletic office, or email [email protected].  

Linscott Softball and Baseball Complex Parking during Construction

Please see directions below for home or visitor parking and entrance to Craig Baseball Field.
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